Seriously guys I'm keen for a group blog. But really there'd be no point and we'd be wasting precious homework time doing nothing. And anyway, then I'd have like THREE blogs to post to lol ooh here's an idea. Lets keep blog whenw e all part. hahaha I'm so lame. That'd fizzle out soon enough. Lamest lamo ever to grace the lamey part of this lame planet with it lame lamey lamest presence. You know i actually couldn't think if the word planet for a minute there. . . . .
Im not keen anymore. Spur of the moment after reading the class of tomorrow =.( Sad smiley with a mole like Turk!
Yeah see all that thoughtful blogging gave me a need to release some of my childish nature on this blog. It's been withheld for so long . . .
23 hours ago
Strange post...
haha i wa sin a weird mood
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