Image courtesy of The Creative Brainwaves of Anneka Tran. She also did an excellent makeover of the periodic table which I'll have to post sometime soon...
Absol. Eric !...and do we know why Pluto isn't there? I believe it should be there as a matter of heart, not science. We all grew up with Pluto, what do "they" know?, lol
So, I've got a blog that has a heaps of snippets of things I like and opinions and ideas of mine. Those things will probably give you a better idea of me than this little blurb. But three things will orient you as to my situation in life:
1)I'm a christian
2)I'm australian
3)I'm at Uni
that is seriously so awesome!
only pluto isn't there, and that makes me very sad :(
Absol. Eric !...and do we know why Pluto isn't there? I believe it should be there as a matter of heart, not science. We all grew up with Pluto, what do "they" know?, lol
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