Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The year this post was written . . .
It's really actually quite scary, see, i wasn't born in 1984 but, i travelled back in time and wrote this then brought it back with me and posted it so i could say i wrote it in 1984.
By happy coincidence, it's also about the book '1984' which i was reading today and there was a tragic line in it.
The destruction of language is a beautiful thing . . .

And i thought oh my this man is insane. In fact, thought i, i should have to land one right on this man's face if he were real and survived to the year 2008 and i met him. Ah such a sacrilegious thought for there is nothing more terrible than the destruction of language. He proceeded to say that the great wastage of the language was the verbs and adjectives but they are some of the greatest words!
In fact, it is the creation of language that is a beautiful thing. I would have it no other way.


Anonymous said...

haha. what's funny is that when i read that i thought of you and the pain you'd be feeling when you read it.

Anonymous said...

i agree htat it's more or less sacriligeous to destroy a language, but isnt the internet kinda doin the same? n wudn't it take sum serious brains 2 strip a language down 2 the bare essentials like in 1984???????

(this'll probably cum up as anon, and i mite just keep it htat way...

GRINDELWALD HAS RETURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!